Here are five easy ways you can make a difference to children and families impacted by abuse.
Follow us on social media, and share our posts! Not only will you learn a lot about child safety, you’ll also help us expand our reach. The more people that know about KIDS Center and our services, the safer children will be!
Volunteer at this year’s Cork & Barrel. You can help make our annual fundraiser a success…and every dollar raised helps serve local families! There are hundreds of volunteer positions available—from set-up and tear-down to greeting guests, pouring wine, and running games! Our 2025 Cork & Barrel event series is July 17-19. Email and let us know you’d like to volunteer…and encourage friends or family to volunteer too!
Become a donor. Give once or give monthly and fund free services for children impacted by abuse. Your support helps local children overcome the devastating effects of abuse. Give hope. Give healing. Make a gift today.
Take a child safety training. If you’re a parent, grandparent, or caregiver…or if you work with kids or just have a child in your life that you care about, take a training! You’ll learn how to protect a child at home, at school, online and with friends. Sign up for a free training today!
Tour KIDS Center. You’ll come away with a deeper understanding of what it takes to end child abuse in our region. Sign up for a free 1-hour Community Tour. We offer two tours each month: on the first Tuesday (5 pm) and third Thursday (11 am).