How to Report Child Abuse
Speak up. Save a child.
We recognize how distressing it can be to suspect abuse or know a child is being abused. But no matter how scared or uncomfortable you may feel, this is the moment when a child needs you most. Speak up for a child now to spare them from future abuse and trauma. If you have suspicions or knowledge a child is being abused, please report it immediately to law enforcement or DHS child welfare. Don’t wait.
Call the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline:
What to do if a child discloses abuse.
Try not to react with extreme emotions, such as anger, hysterics, or disbelief.
Do not ask a lot of questions.
Listen, support, and acknowledge their experience. Let them know it is not their fault. Tell them you are glad they told you.
Assure them you will help keep them safe.
Report the abuse immediately. Call local law enforcement (9-1-1) or call the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline.
About Mandatory Reporting
Oregon state law mandates that workers in certain professions must make reports if they have reasonable cause to suspect abuse or neglect. These people are called mandatory reporters and they are a crucial link in the system to protect Oregon’s most vulnerable citizens. Mandatory reporters encompass a range of public and private professionals. Even if you are not a mandatory reporter, it is still every adult’s responsibility to speak up on behalf of children. DHS has this resource that covers everything you can do to address child abuse as an adult.
For More on Reporting
Learn more about mandatory reporting and see which professionals are considered mandatory reporters in Oregon.
To Help Your Own Child
Not sure how to help your child once they have disclosed?