Become a Sponsor

Want to support our work in the region? There are lots of ways you can make a difference as a sponsor.

Prevention Sponsors

Help stop abuse before it starts. Sponsor education programs that teach adults how to protect children and make the world a safer place for kids.

For information on prevention sponsorship, contact Rachel Visser, Prevention Education Manager at

Event Sponsors

KIDS Center holds several special events throughout the year. These events raise funds to support hope and healing for Central Oregon children and families impacted by abuse. Our event sponsors help make our Healing Hearts and Cork & Barrel events a success, and help ensure our services are available at no cost to families.

For information on event sponsorship, contact Ginger Theis-Stevens at

Service Sponsors

You can help support life-changing services for hundreds of local children and families each year. Help children begin their healing journey at KIDS Center by supporting child abuse evaluations, family advocacy and therapy.

For information on service sponsorship, contact Ginger Theis-Stevens at