The more you know, the safer they are.
KIDS Center offers a number of free downloadable resources suitable for any adults working with or looking after children. We also offer resources for children and youth. Our resources are available in both English and Spanish.
You’ll also find useful links to other organizations that specialize in raising awareness and preventing child abuse.
Resources for Adults
Child Abuse 101
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and Resilience
Are You Concerned Your Child is Being Sexually Abused?
Basics of Child Abuse and Reporting
What to Do When a Child Discloses Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse: A Resource for Parents
For Professionals - National CAC
Recognizing Signs: In-Person & Virtually
Local Resources
Family Resource Center of Central Oregon
MountainStar Family Relief Nursery
Helpful Websites
General + Parenting
Establishing Good Sleep Habits
Genital Touching in Toddlers and Preschoolers
Normal Sexual Development by Age
Range of Sexual Behavior in Children
Is this Sexual Behavior Normal? The ABCD of Context
Sexual Behavior Problems Ages 2-12
Sexual Development and How to Talk
Sexual Health Education for Young People with Disabilities
Helpful Websites
Early development, early learning and parenting to help babies thrive.
Education on healthy relationships and ending violence against women and children.
Resiliency resources for parents and caregivers.
Brené Brown on Empathy
Healing From Sexual Abuse Can Start With One Word | Rena Romano
Men Need to Talk About Their Sexual Abuse | Pastor Seth Shelley
Consent for Kids | Blue Seat Studios
The Mother Load: Healthy Family Habits I
Listening to Shame | Brené Brown
Breaking the Silence of Child Abuse | Dani Bostick
Prevention Land | Oregon’s Sexual Assault Task Force
The Mother Load: Healthy Family Habits II
The Power of Vulnerability | Brené Brown
Tea and Consent | Blue Seat Studios
Resources for children and youth
Spanish Resources
Internet Safety
Guía grado por grado para el uso del Internet
Información de Seguridad para Niños al Usar Internet y Promesa de Seguridad en el Internet
Protegiendo a sus Hijos en Línea
Protegiendo a sus Hijos en Línea 2.0
Seguridad para adolescentes en los medios sociales
Hablando con los adolescentes acerca del sexting
Enviaste un mensaje de texto con contenido sexual ¿Y ahora qué?
General + Parenting
Estres y el Desarrollo Temprano del Cerebro ACEs
Toque de Genitales/Partes Privadas en Niños Pequeños y Pre-escolares
Desarrollo Sexual Normal por Edad
Rangos de Comportamiento Sexual en la Infancia
¿Cómo tratar con un niño que está exhibiendo comportamiento sexual?