3 Conversations to Have with Your Kids

  1. Body Parts

    Teaching children the correct names for body parts, such as penis and vagina, is a protective factor against abuse. Too often, children use slang terms for their private parts, which can result in adults not understanding a disclosure of sexual abuse.  Also, teaching children the correct terms for body parts and talking about those parts helps to remove the secrecy and shame surrounding them.

  2. Body Boundaries

    Once the conversation about body parts has occurred, begin talking about body boundaries. This includes talking about other people’s personal space, your own personal space, and privacy. Help them understand that everyone is in charge of and gets to make choices about their own body. Let them know who they can go to with questions or concerns about boundaries that may have been crossed.

  3. Sex

    When caregivers talk with their children about sex, they can provide them with the right information. Having an accurate understanding of the correct information can protect children from risky behavior as they grow up. While it can be an awkward conversation at first, being the go-to person for your child when they have questions about sex can only benefit the relationship between you and your child.

Sign up for a VIRTUAL Let’s Talk About It training to learn more.

BONUS SELF CARE TIP: Rest. Take time for you. This may look like a 20-minute nap or a leisurely walk or sitting down and reading a book. Whatever it is, give yourself permission to rest without feeling guilty.


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