Day 15: Report to Save a Child
Safe & Sound is a free 21-day program to help parents, grandparents and caregivers protect children from abuse. Developed by Oregon Child Advocacy Centers, this Safe & Sound program for Central Oregon is brought to you by KIDS Center in collaboration with Protect Our Children.
Welcome to Day 15, the final day of Safe & Sound!
Yesterday we talked about the signs of abuse. Knowing the signs can help you spot a child that may be in danger.
If you’re following our tips from earlier weeks and fostering good communication with your child, there’s also a chance that one day your child might disclose abuse to you or share concerning information about a friend. Or you may stumble across a situation where you witness abuse.
No matter how you learn about abuse—there is only one thing you need to do.
Report suspected abuse.
Let’s take a closer look at the three situations that should compel you to speak up and immediately make a report:
Disclosure: A child discloses abuse to you. This disclosure can be done verbally or with a note or drawing.
Discovery: In this situation, you come upon the abusive act in person, hear it over the phone, or see it (on video chat or in person).
Suspicion: You have reasonable suspicion that abuse is taking place. Your suspicion may be grounded in the behavior of a child or signs you’ve observed. You may be suspicious based on the interaction between the child and another person. Or you may hear a child or another person says something that leads you to suspect abuse.
How ever you become aware of the abuse, it’s essential that you act immediately. Do not wait a week. Do not wait a day!
Oregon law protects people who alert authorities to potential child abuse. You can also make an anonymous report to keep your identity safe.
In general, you should follow these steps to make sure you are reporting responsibly.
When a child discloses abuse:
First, thank the child. Tell them that you believe them. Next, ask if they feel safe. If the alleged abuser lives in their home or is a frequent visitor in their home, you will want to make sure they feel safe being at home. After you have tended to the child, report the abuse immediately. Call the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline at 855-503-7233 or contact local law enforcement. If the child is in immediate danger, dial 911.
When you’ve discovered abuse:
The guidelines here are the same as above, unless the offender is present. You will want to make sure that both you and the child are safe. If that means calling 911 before you do anything else, then that is what you need to do.
When you suspect abuse:
If you have reasonable suspicion that abuse is happening, you can make a good faith report. Call the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline at 855-503-7233. A screener at the hotline will ask you to explain everything that you have seen and heard that has raised your concern for a child.
Why everyone should report abuse.
Even if you’re not a mandatory reporter, you have a moral obligation to speak up if you receive a disclosure, make a discovery, or become suspicious of child abuse. Children need our protection; it’s up to adults to stop child abuse! Trust your gut, and don’t delay.
Weekend Activity:
Young children: Download this coloring and activity book that reviews some of the safety topics we’ve covered in the last three weeks.
Older children: Let your child choose an activity to do this weekend. Take some time to bond and learn more about their passions.
Adults: Because child sexual abuse is so prevalent, we encourage you to sign up for a Darkness to Light training, which will go into greater depth and include useful resources. The training is free, and KIDS Center offers in-person and virtual trainings every month. Encourage another parent or adult to join you. Because the more adults we train, the safer kids are.
A few parting words…
We hope you found our Safe & Sound series helpful. We hope you share some of this information with other adults you know. All of the content from this series will be available online through May 15, 2023. Safe & Sound will return next April 2024 as part of National Child Abuse Prevention Month and the Blue Ribbon Campaign. We hope you—and maybe a few of your friends—join us again next year!
…and thank you.
Finally, thank you for taking the time to learn how to keep kids safe and sound. You may have gone into this series with the goal of protecting your own child or grandchild….but you’ve also learned how to keep all kids a little safer.
More ways to participate in Safe & Sound:
Visit the 2024 Safe & Sound page and catch up on daily activities. This series will be available through May 15, 2024.
Share your thoughts on Facebook or Instagram.
Join us again next year! We recommend parents and caregivers participate in Safe & Sound every year. As your child matures, and as each year brings new experiences (and challenges), you’ll be ready to guide them.
Safe & Sound will return in April 2025.